Application Details

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Request Received
Membership Application
This is a 12-month membership
This membership includes Unlimited member slot(s)

AIAI is committed to serve its members.  Please complete the Membership Application and we will begin the membership process

Membership Refund Policy

Thank you for your support! Section 6033(e) of the Internal Revenue Code imposes reporting and notice requirements on certain 501(c)(6) tax exempt organizations that incur nondeductible lobbying expenses, such as AIAI. Please note that 15% of your membership dues are allocable to nondeductible lobbying expenditures of AIAI and are not, therefore, deductible as a business expense. Please consult your tax advisor if you have questions regarding the deductibility of your membership dues. Resignation: Any member may cancel their membership by filling out a written resignation with the Board or Directors, submitted to the Executive DIrector. Resignation does not relieve a member of liability for dues owed.

Glue Up account creation information.

Please enter a first name
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Please enter a last name
If you input more than 0 characters your Last Name may not display properly

・8 characters minimum
・one upper case letter
・one lower case letter
・one number
・one special character (@$!%*?&)
If you input more than 0 characters your Password may not display properly

・8 characters minimum
・one upper case letter
・one lower case letter
・one number
・one special character (@$!%*?&)
If you input more than 0 characters your Confirm password (at least 8 characters) may not display properly

Please fill in your individual information.

Please fill in the below form with your company details.

Click here to upload a new image
Uploading an image is mandatory

Upload your logo above

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Please enter a valid phone number including country code
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Maximum limit reached (255 characters).
Please select an option

By submitting this application, I authorize AIAI to generate an invoice and begin our membership onboarding process.