Membership Selection

Application Details

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Student (Non-Voting)
This is a 12-month membership - Membership expires Jun 30th
This membership is for individuals only

Student (Non-Voting) - An individual actively studying the Diploma of Financial Counselling who may, or may not be working as a financial counsellor. 

• Access to the National Toolkit website;

• Reduced rates to attend the FCAWA conference;

• May be appointed to represent FCAWA on a policy sub-committee or external committee;

• Attend CPD activities provided by FCAWA if relevant and appropriate;

• Receive FCAWA newsletters.


 Limits of Affiliate Membership

• No voting rights, 

• No right to nominate for the FCAWA Board


All members - Agree to abide by the Australian Financial Counselling Code of Ethical Practice AND agree to abide by relevant State/Territory rules.

Please go to our website to download our Membership Kit

Balance:$ 0

Membership Refund Policy

Membership Fees are non-refundable