Membership Selection

Application Details

Request Received
Unit PriceTotal
Total   %
Level 8: ≤ 200 FTE
This is a 12-month membership - Membership expires Mar 31st
Prorated Price
This membership includes Unlimited member slot(s)

Level 8: ≤ 200

Full dues: $22,575

Geographic discount (25%): $16,931

Cooperation Canada membership dues

Cooperation Canada membership dues are calculated based on staff numbers reported in the member organizations' most recent CRA T3010 filing available at the start of the fiscal year (April 1). The Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) number used in calculating the dues level is the sum of full-time positions plus half (1/2) the part-time positions reported. FTE numbers are rounded down for part-time staff (ex: 5.5 is 5). 


Geographic discount

A fee discount of 25% is assigned to members who do not have an office in Ontario or Quebec (75% discount if they also have 2 or less FTE). Coalitions (whose members are other organizations) are not eligible for the discount.



Code of Ethics and Operational Standards of Cooperation Canada

Cooperation Canada members are expected to demonstrate compliance to the Cooperation Canada Code of Ethics and Operational Standards. A member must, at the time of renewal, confirm its conformity with the requirements outlined in the Code of Ethics. Please review the Code of Ethics prior to confirming your compliance below.

Following a discussion with Cooperation Canada, staff based outside of Canada can be excluded from the formula. Cooperation Canada is available to discuss potential accommodations and we encourage you to reach out if you have any questions. Please contact us at

CAD $0
Balance:$ 0

Membership Refund Policy

If you have any questions about your membership, please reach out to