Membership Selection

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Community Development Organization (CDO) (voting member)
This is a 12-month membership - Membership expires Jan 14th
This membership includes 3 member slot(s)

A CDO (Community Development Organization) working in Detroit is an

organization with these characteristics:

1. A place based non-profit, tax-exempt organization formed through local


2. Dedicated to a specific target area that is publicly known and not citywide;

3. Governed primarily by the constituents served by the CDO;

4. Engaged in certain baseline activities (either directly or through

collaboration and facilitation with other local organizations):

A. Community Organizing and Engagement,

B. Land Use, Community or Economic Development Planning,

C. Partnering/Facilitating, and

D. Physical Development in some form, for example:

  • Housing
  • Commercial
  • Demolition and deconstruction
  • Public and/or recreation, such as streetscapes, community cleanups, park development and maintenance, green/open space development, greenway development, land management.
Balance:$ 0

Membership Refund Policy

CDAD will offer a refund on memberships only within 30 days of payment.