Network Members are patient organizations or healthcare-related organizations, networks or alliances committed to improving healthcare and to the principle of patient-centred healthcare.
Network Members enjoy free membership at IAPO while having restricted rights and benefits:
No voting rights in the Annual General Assembly or Extraordinary Meetings;
Participation as an observer in the Annual General Assembly and Extraordinary Meetings;
No rights to nominate candidates for the Governing Board;
No rights to represent IAPO at the WHO Regional Committee meetings, and international or regional events;
No rights to use our Members logo on their communication channels and other promotional materials.
Network Members must meet all the criteria below:
Must be non-profit and non-governmental.
Must have a legal status appropriate to the country of origin.
May be an international, regional, national or local organization, or an umbrella group.
The organization must demonstrate commitment to improving healthcare and to the principle of patient-centred healthcare.