Application Details

Contact Details

Request Received
Sales Agency (exhibitor)
This is a Lifetime membership
This membership includes Unlimited member slot(s)

For existing AMWAA members to add their agency/company and primary contact into the TRENDS Apparel system, for badge printing and online community access.

If you are not currently a member and want to join our association, please see the "For Agents" page on our website ( for criteria and the application form.

Glue Up account creation information.

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Password must be a minimum of 8 characters and contain at least one upper case letter, one lower case letter, one number, and one special character(!"#$%&'()*+,-./\:;?@[]^_`{|}~=).
If you input more than 0 characters your Password may not display properly

Password must be a minimum of 8 characters and contain at least one upper case letter, one lower case letter, one number, and one special character(!"#$%&'()*+,-./\:;?@[]^_`{|}~=).
If you input more than 0 characters your Confirm password (at least 8 characters) may not display properly

Please fill in your individual information.

Please fill in the below form with your company details.

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