This is a 12-month membership
This membership includes Unlimited member slot(s)
  • Full access to round tables and think-tank discussions
  • Uncapped invitations to exclusive events
  • 20 personalised Member-to-Member introductions with organisations of your choice
  • Advanced advocacy support on regulatory matters
  • Ability to co-create a sponsored branded event
  • Special rates on fundraising initiatives
  • Tailored and unlimited access to business concierge & advisory services
  • AmCham board and ExCo eligibility
  • Unlimited advertising and brand visibility platforms
  • Access to member directory

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・one special character (@$!%*?&)
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COMPANY NOMINATED MEMBERS DETAILS (to be added to the communication list)

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Please upload a valid your application must be accompanied by the following documents (1) certificate of incorporation (2) tax clearance certificate for the current year (3) company profile (upload as 1 pdf file)
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