Membership Selection

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Full Membership – Corporation, Firm or Business
This is a 12-month membership - Membership expires Jun 30th
Prorated Price
This membership includes 1 member slot(s)

Any corporation, firm or business may apply for Membership as a Full Member, with all rights of membership including voting rights. A Full Member shall nominate one person to be its representative to the GCC (Corporate Representative).  

This person shall be the GCC's main contact and will receive all information about the GCC's activities and events via email and/or post.  The Corporate Representative will be listed in the GCC Membership Directory and the voting right has to be exercised by the Corporate Representative. 

Additional Corporate Representative (optional): 

A Full Member may propose any of its employees other than the Corporate Representative as an Additional Corporate Representative, who may use the facilities of the GCC, attend its events and be listed in the GCC Membership Directory. An Additional Corporate Representative in such capacity shall not have any voting rights. An additional membership fee at $1,500 will be levied for each subscription. 

Additional Members
Prorated Price
Balance:$ 0

Membership Refund Policy

Up to 30 days full refund.