Membership Selection

Application Details

Payment Details

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Corporate Leader
This is a 12-month membership
This membership includes Unlimited member slot(s)

Unlimited members of staff:

  1. Logo & hyperlink on KGBS website and all electronic marketing collateral
  2. Access to network of developers, suppliers, built environment professionals, and public sector bodies
  3. Access to B2B and B2C facilitated marketing meetings at KGBS and collaborator events
  4. Opportunity to sponsor masterclasses, rating tools, research
  5. Complementary access to technical manuals and case studies
  6. Nomination of staff to serve on committees
  7. KGBS member discounts on all green building training and advocacy events(in excess of complementary allowance)
  8. Access to member area on KGBS Website (Under Construction)
  9. KGBS member logo, email signature & annual certificate
  10. Access to a 70% UNICAF education scholarship for any undergraduate or graduate degrees you would like to pursue

Balance:$ 0

Membership Refund Policy

The KGBS reserves the right to refuse/cancel a membership. If KGBS refuses a new or renewing membership, registrants will be offered a refund.

Membership Cancellation by Participant

Cancellations will be accepted via phone or e-mail, and must be received by the stated cancellation deadline. In addition:

All refund requests must be made by the member or credit card holder.
Refund requests must include the name of the member and/or transaction number.
Refunds will be credited back to the original credit card used for payment.

Any questions or cancellation requests may be directed to KGBS through