A powerful lobbying platform for patient care and safety, and better working conditions for you.
Hands on help with drug issues and drug shortages, management support and guidance, helping you administer your environment, audit advice, engagement with funders, patient complaints and guidance etc in both public and private sectors.
Representation in policy matters with National and Provincial Departments of health, regulators, funders, administrators and facilities (public and private)
Access to subscriptions to one of the world's premier academic publications, the British Journal of Anaesthesia and exclusive rates to physician-authored global resource Up-To-Date! Use of SASA's peer-reviewed digital learning platform SMARTSLEEP.
Access to numerous resources such as the Southern African Journal of Anaesthesia and Analgesia, clinical guidelines, coding and ethical billing manuals.
Ways in which to which to gain access to funding for research and research skills
Our weekly newsletter for professional and health environment news
Support, mentorship and assistance from SASA's Wellness in Anaesthesia Support Group.