
  • AAMA Membership
    12 months
    Package price

    Discover the Benefits of AAMA Membership

    Unlock a world of opportunities with your AAMA membership, designed to support and elevate the coin-operated amusement industry. Here's what's in store for you:

    ✨ Amusement Expo International

    • Free Access: Enjoy two complimentary attendee badges.
    • Exclusive Booth Rates: Save big with the AEI member booth rate by combining AAMA and AMOA memberships.*

    ✨ Annual Meeting & Gala

    • Industry Unity: Connect with peers, discuss ideas, and address industry concerns during AAMA committee meetings.
    • Celebrate Excellence: Attend the Gala Dinner to honor industry leaders, award recipients, and charity contributions.
    • Product Preview: Showcase your latest innovations at a cocktail-style event blending business and networking.

    ✨ FEC Connect

    • Premier Events: Join our single-day "pop-up" gatherings at top family entertainment centers nationwide.
    • Networking & Learning: Engage with FEC owners, operators, and industry experts in a collaborative setting.
    • Sponsorship Perks: Take advantage of member sponsorship opportunities.

    ✨ Government Relations & Advocacy

    • Your Industry Voice: AAMA represents you on Capitol Hill, lobbying against legislation that could impact your business.
    • Parental Advisory System: Access tools to educate consumers about video game content using a clear, color-coded system.

    ✨ Location Trade Show Program

    • Prime Exposure: Exhibit within the AAMA Game Room at key trade shows like Bowl Expo and Roller Skating International Convention.
    • Hassle-Free Experience: Let AAMA handle logistics so you can focus on showcasing your products.
    • Exclusive Leads: Gain access to leads from events where AAMA exhibits.

    ✨ Cost Savings Programs

    • Merchant Discounts: Save an average of 21% on credit card processing fees through Service First Processing, with additional rebates of 10%.
    • Advertising Perks: Enjoy discounts on Bowling Center Management advertising and reach another sector of the industry.

    ✨ Additional Benefits

    • Leadership Opportunities: Influence the industry by joining committees.
    • Visibility: Get listed in the annual AAMA Member Directory.
    • Stay Updated: Receive our exclusive monthly newsletter, Loose Change.
    • Scholarships: Recommend students for the $5,000 J. Richard Oltmann Memorial Scholarship.
    • Global Community: Build B2B connections and access premier networking events.

    For membership inquiries, contact Melissa McMahon at or call 847.290.9088.

    *Membership in both AAMA and AMOA is required for the discounted booth rate. Additional information or references may be requested during the application process.