Eligibility: You can apply for this membership type if you acquired Certification and Accreditation from GAFM and AAPM by attending a Certification Course hosted by ABMC International LTD.
Eligibility: You can apply for this membership if you attended a Conference/ Consortium hosted by ABMC INTERNATIONAL LTD.
Eligibility: You can apply for this Membership type if you attended a Masterclass event hosted by ABMC International LTD.
Eligibility: You apply for this Group if you are a CPEA, a Masterclass Administrator or an attendee of a Consortium hosted by the African PA and ABMC International LTD.
Eligibility: You can apply as a member of this group if you are an alumni of ABMC INTERNATIONAL LTD, having acquired a certification and/or masterclass in Board Membership and Management.
Eligibility: You can apply to be a member if you are an alumni of the Talent Management Institute, having attended a certification course hosted by ABMC International LTD.