About Us

AsiaDPO members are privacy and data protection professionals from different disciplines and backgrounds (law, technology, academia, compliance, marketing, insurance, consumer goods and more). We have been a registered society in Singapore since 5th July 2017 (UEN: T17SS0133G).

We are united by the common goal of furthering the practice and profession of privacy and data protection in Asia.

AsiaDPO began as a group of peers who met informally in 2012 who came together to share and learn from each other through conversations about why privacy matters. Over time, it has become apparent that there is a shared aspiration to develop our expertise, build up valuable resources, and to improve the capabilities of current and future privacy professionals - this has been the foundational operating principle of AsiaDPO.


Our Mission is to enhance the understanding and capabilities of the members of AsiaDPO by:

1. Serving as an expert group and be a distinctive voice for Asia Data Protection Officers and Privacy Practitioners;
2. Actively participating in the development and enhancement of data protection and privacy domains;
3. Fostering a self-organising peer to peer community of independent thinkers through practice-led approaches;
4. Acting as a connection point for AsiaDPO members to communicate and build rapport with privacy and data protection regulators in Asia; and
5. Collaborating with leaders of the business community, associations, academia, or any other groups or bodies interested in the advancement and development of privacy and data protection in Asia.


To bring clarity and insight to Privacy and Data Protection in Asia with a distinctive voice by DPOs, for DPOs.


1. Practice of the DPO
2. Developing insights and DPO resources
3. Turning principles into best outcomes
4. DPO Leadership