
We look forward to having you as part of the Auscham Cambodia community.

The benefits you receive from membership include:

Promote your business through our social networking events or at one of our business seminars.

Network and meet our member community base at our regular social events, or at one of the numerous business events offered through-out the year.

Be a part of the specialised business forums and seminars that are organised in different locations through-out the city, hear industry professionals and business leaders pass on their knowledge at these events, and have the opportunity to liaise and meet with them.

Receive special members rates at all of our events.

Attend members only events that are not open to the general public.

Be connected with the Australian Chambers in neighbouring countries through our strong regional networks.

  • Siem Reap Individual
    12 months
    Package price

    Siem Reap Individual

  • Siem Reap Corporate
    12 months
    Package price
  • AusCham Individual Membership
    12 months
    Package price

    Benefits of Membership:

    • One member-rate ticket to all events.
    • Network with our member community at regular AusCham social events and at the numerous business events offered throughout the year.
    • Participate in specialised business forums and seminars to hear industry professionals and business leaders share their knowledge a...
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  • Volunteer
    12 months
    Package price
    • Australian Volunteer Membership: Open to Australian volunteers working in Cambodia
    • Attendance at Auscham events at discounted membership price
    • Annual Membership fee: $50