
CEDAM is a nonprofit trade association serving the community economic development (CED) industry in Michigan. Our members are nonprofit affordable housing developers, Main Street organizations, Community Development Corporations (CDCs), Community Development Organizations (CDOs), community foundations, local governments and municipalities, as well as many other types of organizations working to ensure their communities are financially empowered, equitable, and vibrant. We host conferences and training events, manage programs, offer funding and capacity building opportunities as well as other resources available online. CEDAM is also involved in advocacy at the state and federal level, working closely on issues like the Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP), predatory lending, and more.

Select your membership type from the following by scrolling below:

  • Nonprofits (6 levels determined by operating budget)
  • For profit (3 levels determined by annual revenue)
  • Government
  • Individual
  • Student

If you find dues to be a barrier to membership, please complete this form to request a dues reduction or waiver. If you have any questions, please contact Shara Washington.

  • Individual Member
    12 months
    Package price

    This membership level is available to any individual not tied to an organization. Examples include: retirees, legislative staff, etc.

    If you are a small business or sole proprietor, you must apply for nonprofit or for profit organization membership.

    Individual member benefits:

    • Keep up with the latest news in community economic development through exclusive e-newsletters
    • Attend most CEDAM webinars for FREE
    • Learn more about community economic development topics with discounts on trainings and conferences
    • Be included in and have access to CEDAM's member directories
    • Direct CEDAM through committees, voting privileges and at-large board eligibility
  • Student
    12 months
    Package price

    This membership level is available to currently enrolled students in any program.

    Student member benefits:

    • Keep up with the latest news in community economic development through exclusive e-newsletters
    • Attend most CEDAM webinars for FREE
    • Learn more about community economic development topics with discounts on trainings and conferences
    • Be included in and have access to CEDAM's member directories
    • Direct CEDAM through committees, voting privileges and at-large board eligibility