
Terms of CRL Membership are defined in CRL's Bylaws. There are two classes of membership: voting members (institutions located in continental North America) and global affiliates. CRL's membership year runs from July 1 through June 30. However, libraries may apply to join on the first day of any month on a pro-rated basis. Libraries support CRL activities and services by paying an annual cost share, rather than a membership fee.

Annual Cost Share

Libraries support CRL activities and services by paying an annual "means based" cost share rather than a membership fee. The cost share is based on rolling, five-year average of the institution's annual library materials expenditures. The cost share rate is just over one-half of one percent. (A library with a five-year average AME of $1,000,000 would pay an annual cost share of $5,200.) The minimum cost share for voting members is $1,200, and the maximum is $78,000.

CRL defines library annual materials expenditures (AME) as "aggregate expenditures for acquisitions and binding (books, periodicals, microforms, and all other library materials including electronic media, regardless of source of funding) for all library units [branches] included in the CRL membership and eligible for service by CRL."