
The Food Near Me membership brings farms, farmers, growers, and agriculture specialists into community with the people they feed. Farmers and Producers can share their land, education, access, and opportunities to learn and grow with a community of people living in food deserts, disconnected from the land. This network is here to bridge the gap between urban and rural, and help our people reconnect with the land.

  • Community Member
    12 months
    Package price

    The food community is anyone interested in growing, buying or learning about good, healthy food. Get invited to farm visits, learn how to homestead, host a retreat, and connect with your people and your land. 

  • Food Producer
    12 months
    Package price

    For farmers, farms, ranches, orchards and landowners making their knowledge and their land available for the community to learn, this is your hub to share opportunities, access and invitations. Fundraise, co-op, and get the support your farms need to sustain and grow.