Garden Ridgeways Residents Association (GARRA) was formed and registered in 2001. It addresses, among others, issues affecting its members on security matters, water, power, controlling development, environmental pollution control, roads and infrastructure in Nairobi. The association is registered with the Registrar of Societies and operates within the set rules and procedures. The leadership of GARRA serve in a voluntary capacity, and employs an Agent to undertake the day to day tasks.
GARRA is a member of the Kenya Alliance of Residents Associations (KARA) and since 2017 has won several KARA Awards of Excellence for Community Service.GARRA's main income is generated from member subscriptions and monies collected are managed by the Treasurer. Accounts are audited independently and are available to members on request.
Membership fees are payable annually (1 January) and you can join as a new member at any time. There are various categories of membership including Individual Households, Large Corporates, Cluster Members (Estate/Gated Community). Paid up members benefit from community communication via the GARRA Whatsapp Group that deal with all matters mentioned earlier.
Please note revised subscription for 2022.
Open to Gated communities, who will be recognized as Corporate Members and limited to 3 members per membership. Please note the revised subscription fee for 2022