The Hermann Jaycees is a non-for-profit organization in Hermann Missouri responsible for coordinating and funding such community events as: the Hermann Jaycees Easter Egg Hunt, Saturday with Santa, and the annual Maifest carnival rides. They help community projects in Hermann to bring the people together for a great small town experience.
Mission To provide development opportunities that empower young people to create positive change.
Company Overview The United States Junior Chamber exists for active young citizens ages 18 to 40, who bring energy and insight to solving problems locally and around the world.
Description Funds to organize our events are raised by the Jaycees through food and beer sales at our local Hermann festivals, as well as, trivia nights and holiday dances.
General Information If you are between the ages of 18 and 40, and are interested in joining the Hermann Jaycees, message us. We would be happy to answer your questions and let you know where to catch us at our next monthly meeting!