The Hong Kong Internet of Things Alliance is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting and co-defining the IoT economy with professionals and the public. The alliance, formerly known as Hong Kong Internet of Things Association, started as a Meetup Group registered as a Society (reg. 0051301) in 2013. As the community grew bigger, the organization was then formally incorporated at the Company Registry in July 2016 targeting at making a bigger impact.
Our Vision: 願景:
IoT intelligence enables a better world through innovations and industries revitalization. 物聯網智能將透過創新與產業振興實現一個更美好的世界。
Our Mission 使命: 1. Create an active and closely collaborating IoT Community in Hong Kong through: 為香港創建一個積極及緊密合作的物聯網群體:
2. Providing a platform for IoT Solution Developers & Providers enabling easier collaboration, resource seeking and integration. 建構平台予物聯網方案開發者及供應商,促進彼此合作、資源尋找與整合。
3. Providing a platform for IoT Users enabling better experiencing and understanding of IoT innovations and their applications. 建構平台予物聯網用家使其更有效地認識物聯網創新及其應用,以至有更好的體驗。
4. Promoting and facilitating IoT innovations adoption in traditional industries and services. 促進和推動物聯網創新應用於傳統產業與服務上。
5. Connect local IoT Community to other IoT-relevant Communities around the globe. 推動本地物聯網群體與全球其物聯網相關群體的連繫互動。
6. Promote IoT in general public and help cultivate IoT talents for future of Hong Kong. 向公眾推廣物聯網並協助為香港未來培育物聯網人才。