Thank you for considering joining the Italian Association of Arizona
By joining the Association, you are supporting our goal to promote and preserve Italian Arts and Culture and build an Italian Arts and Cultural Center one day. We invite you to work with us to make this happen and bring the Italian Community together.
Grazie Mille
Family Social Members
Thank you for supporting the Italian Association.
*Two adults can be husband and wife, brother and sister, boyfriend and girlfriend etc.
Your Benefits:
· 2 Individual Memberships to the Italian Association (a $90.00 value)
· Access at a Discounted Prices all events of the Italian Association (IA)
· Logo listed on Italian Association Business Membership page.
· Featured introduction as New Business Member on the IA News Letter
· 1 per year advertising email of your company (text of advertising supplied by you) with a reach of 14,000 + emails.
· 2 post per year (1 New Member + 1 of your choice on IA Social Medias Platform (Content of txt provided by you)
· If you host your own event, you can ADVERTISE through the IA networks via 1 email blast and 3 separate posts on all IA Social Medias Platforms (with content provided by you) for a discounted price of $79 (Non-Members cost $150)
Your Commitment to the Italian Association:
We ask all Business Members to recognise a DISCOUNT (as they see fit) in the service they provide to all
Italian Association Members that have current Membership.