About Us

A Jaycee is a member of the Junior Chamber, a worldwide organization of young professionals that is not affiliated with any particular religion or political party. Jaycee members are men and women between the ages of 21-40, who meet regularly in local chapters to build connections and community. Famous Jaycees include Bill Clinton, Tom Monaghan (founder of Domino’s Pizza), JFK, Elvis Presley, Al Gore, Charles Lindbergh, Ted Turner and Prince Albert II of Monaco.
Our local Jaycee chapter is more than 80 years old, making us one of the oldest chapters in the state of Iowa, and the only remaining chapter in the Quad-Cities. We pride ourselves on blending social opportunities with service – like planning our Bridal Expo and having an after-party, hosting our Jaycee Santa program, and fundraising by connecting with the community through special brews! If you want to learn more, check out our Projects and Events pages.