
The Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD) is an international organization dedicated to promoting the adoption, creation, use, dissemination, and preservation of electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs). We support electronic publishing and open access to scholarship in order to enhance the sharing of knowledge worldwide. As a personal or institutional member, you can support and contribute to the work of NDLTD, advancing the sharing of knowledge worldwide.

Key benefits of membership include the knowledge that: you and/or your institution contribute to these goals, you support the broader sharing and use of high-quality ETDs, and you support individuals and institutions around the world that may not be able to afford active participation in these activities, but still benefit from the services and online resources we freely provide.

Membership has tangible privileges:

  • Support for universities and libraries working with ETD initiatives and activities,
  • Support for harvesting institutions' ETDs into the NDLTD Union Catalog, thereby increasing their visibility,
  • Support for long-term preservation through NDLTD's partnership with the MetaArchive Cooperative,
  • Eligibility for ETD awards,
  • Eligibility for a mentoring program,
  • Discounts on exhibits and displays at annual symposia,
  • Conference registration fee discounts for selected events,
  • Eligibility to serve on NDLTD committees and working groups.

NDLTD helps fund a yearly conference, serving the global community. NDLTD funds travel awards so students and library staff from developing nations may attend. NDLTD funds Global ETD Search, the NDLTD Union Catalog, and related research projects.

To raise funds for these activities, NDLTD has a membership program for individuals and institutions.

The successful work of NDLTD is made possible through the efforts of unpaid volunteers who organize NDLTD's activities. As a result, NDLTD's administrative overhead is extremely low.

NDLTD is a member organization. We cordially invite individuals, academic libraries, universities, and other organizations interested in ETDs to become members. Membership will connect you to a growing community dedicated to improving access to the growing millions of student scholarly works.

NDLTD is an 501(c)3 USA nonprofit organization. Donations to NDLTD may be tax deductible for USA individuals and organizations.

  • Institution
    12 months
    Package price

    For a single degree-granting institution or a supporting organization, such as a library, involved in disseminating and archiving ETDs.

  • Developing Nations Institution
    12 months
    Package price

    For a single degree-granting institution or a supporting organization, in a developing nation.

  • Florida Consortium
    12 months
    Package price

    For the Florida Consortium.