Please review the following from SFSTA and complete the Membership Application below.
Section 2. Any person shall be eligible for Active membership who is regularly engaged in the purchase and sale of securities from a trading desk to other dealers and brokers for a firm doing business from a location in California. Whenever a changed status removes eligibility as above, Active membership shall close at the end of the fiscal year.
Section 3. Any person qualified for Active membership as stipulated in Section 2 may apply for membership. The application will be considered at the next Board of Directors meeting. Approval of the Board of Directors shall be mandatory.
Section 5. Any person of good standing in the security industry in California for a period of two years or longer who does not qualify under Section 2 may apply for membership as an associate member. An associate member shall enjoy all the privileges of the Association except the right to vote and hold office. Dues will be the same as regular membership.
Reference must be a current SFSTA Member.
QUESTIONS? Contact SFSTA @ 415-503-9399 or email at
You will be notified of your acceptance or denial once reviewed.
Payment must be made before your membership is complete. Yearly dues for members are $150. Membership period is Calendar Year.