Born from a passion for the rice market and friendships that span decades, SS Rice News ( is teh latest market information bridge for the global rice trade community.
Short and Simple, Super Special, Secret Sources or just Subra and Sue, the persons behind who deliver information, insights and exchanges in a practical format that emphasizes Ease of Reading, Simplicity of Presentation and Precision of Market Views and Analysis.
This initiative is inspired by a knowledge base built from 30 years of exchange with the rice industry, supported by creative data analysis to bring insights on the global rice market developments. SS Rice News is dedicated to serving the rice market actors. The presented information reflects the collective thoughts of the global rice traders through our independent market analysis and assessment methods to provide a strong base for reporting on market trends. From the grapevine, more formal data sources, and detailed studies of market dynamics, we aim to deliver a Concise and Reliable insight to rice markets and reflect on strong links with the industry.
SS Rice News brings together Subra and Sue (Ms. Huong) as the personalities behind the effort to develop a global rice network of participants from across the rice trade and supply chain.