Who should join TASRO?
Any School Based Law Enforcement Officer, which includes:
- School Resource Officers
- I.S.D. Police Officers
- College/University Police Officers
- Juvenile Probation Officers
- School Security Officers
- School Administrators
- School Safety Personnel
Why join TASRO?
Membership Benefits:
- One year subscription to the T.A.S.R.O. newsletter
- Voting privileges and a voice in the operations of T.A.S.R.O.
- Ability to run for the office of Executive Board or Regional Director
- Ability to network with other Texas SROs
- Certificate of Membership
- Discount/Coupons from Sponsors
Membership Advantages:
- Common voice
- Representation at the capital
- Free training provided to members two times yearly
- Updated news through Newsletter and information on the website for SRO's and juvenile justice related topics
- Resources
- Relationships to encourage support for all SRO's.