
Our Partners are comprised of environmental nonprofits working within and throughout the Commonwealth to protect Virginia's environment, natural resources, and public health. Whether working state-wide or focusing on specific localities, our Partners join the Virginia Conservation Network to support and advance our collective voice for water quality, land & wildlife conservation, land use & transportation, clean energy, climate change, and good governance issues.

As a facilitator of strategic action, a resource for Partners statewide, and a constant conservation presence

in Virginia's Capitol, VCN plays a unique role in ensuring Virginia's conservation community speaks with one

coordinated voice. The VCN team focuses on strengthening the conservation community as a whole and

winning environmental victories that benefit all Virginians. As a Network Partner, your organization gains

access to:

  1. Environmental updates and information are available through VCN's program staff, issue-based workgroups, campaign teams, and committees.
  2. Involvement in strategic, closed-door discussions with other Network Partners to develop and achieve improved environmental protections, including the Our Common Agenda process.
  3. Advocacy and policy support in Richmond and across the Commonwealth โ€” VCN serves as the conservation community's eyes and ears for Our Common Agenda.
  4. Increased visibility to Virginia's environmental activists and volunteers through VCN's website, social media, and annual events.
  5. Communication support, including strategic planning, messaging guidance, event promotion, and communication trainings.
  • Bald Eagle – Statewide and regional groups with a staff of 10 or more
    12 months
    Package price

    Our Partners are comprised of environmental nonprofits working within and throughout the Commonwealth to protect Virginia's environment, natural resources, and public health. Whether working state-wide or focusing on specific localities, our Partners join the Virginia Conservation Network to support and advance our collective voice for water quality, land & wildlife conservation, land use & transportation, clean energy, climate change, and good governance issues.

  • Cardinal – Statewide and regional groups with 5 - 10 staff members
    12 months
    Package price

    Our Partners are comprised of environmental nonprofits working within and throughout the Commonwealth to protect Virginia's environment, natural resources, and public health. Whether working state-wide or focusing on specific localities, our Partners join the Virginia Conservation Network to support and advance our collective voice for water quality, land & wildlife conservation, land use & transportation, clean energy, climate change, and good governance issues.

  • Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly – Groups with 1 - 5 paid staff members
    12 months
    Package price

    Our Partners are comprised of environmental nonprofits working within and throughout the Commonwealth to protect Virginia's environment, natural resources, and public health. Whether working state-wide or focusing on specific localities, our Partners join the Virginia Conservation Network to support and advance our collective voice for water quality, land & wildlife conservation, land use & transportation, clean energy, climate change, and good governance issues.

  • Dogwod- Volunteer Groups
    12 months
    Package price

    Our Partners are comprised of environmental nonprofits working within and throughout the Commonwealth to protect Virginia's environment, natural resources, and public health. Whether working state-wide or focusing on specific localities, our Partners join the Virginia Conservation Network to support and advance our collective voice for water quality, land & wildlife conservation, land use & transportation, clean energy, climate change, and good governance issues.

  • Dogwood- DUES WAIVED
    12 months
    Package price