
  • VOH Enterprise Membership
    12 months
    # of card holders
    Package price

    Any Company or Firm in India engaged or present in the sector related to healthcare, exclusively or as a part of its portfolio, Hospitals, Day Care Centres, Blood Banks, stand-alone speciality centres (offering services in the field of IVF, Eye, Dental, Dialysis, Cosmetic surgery, skincare etc), Non-Government Organizations, Bank and Non-Banking Financial Institutions active in Healthcare, Law Firms, Medical Devices manufacturers / Importers/suppliers/service providers, Pharma industry, Medical Value Travel/Tourism & Hospitality Firms, Media (Print and Electronic), Advertising, Publishing Houses, Healthcare Teaching institutions and Universities including Nursing and paramedical course providers, Service providers of AYUSH, Clinical Research Firms, Data Management/CRM/IT/AI firms active in healthcare, Medical Insurance companies, etc, are eligible.

    This category of Membership will be valid for one year only.

  • International Membership
    12 months
    # of card holders
    Package price

    Any company or firm, having its head office outside India (and all its activities are under the direct control of its Head office), engaged or present in the sector related to healthcare, exclusively or as a part of its portfolio, Hospitals, Day Care Centres, Blood Banks, stand-alone speciality centres (offering services in the field of IVF, Eye, Dental, Dialysis, Cosmetic surgery, skin care etc), Non Government Organizations, Bank and Non Banking Financial Institutions active in Healthcare, Law Firms, Medical Devices manufacturers / Importers

    /suppliers/service providers, Pharma industry, Medical Value Travel / Tourism & Hospitality Firms, Media (Print and Electronic), Advertising, Publishing Houses, Healthcare Teaching institutions and Universities including Nursing and paramedical course providers, Clinical Research Firms, Data Management / CRM / IT / AI firms active in healthcare, Medical Insurance companies, etc are eligible to apply.

    This category of Membership will be valid for one year only.

  • Premium Entreprise
    12 months
    # of card holders
    Package price

    Any Company or Firm in India engaged or present in the sector related to healthcare, exclusively or as a part of its portfolio, Hospitals, Day Care Centres, Blood Banks, stand-alone speciality centres (offering services in the field of IVF, Eye, Dental, Dialysis, Cosmetic surgery, skincare etc), Non-Government Organizations, Bank and Non-Banking Financial Institutions active in Healthcare, Law Firms, Medical Devices manufacturers / Importers/suppliers/service providers, Pharma industry, Medical Value Travel/Tourism & Hospitality Firms, Media (Print and Electronic), Advertising, Publishing Houses, Healthcare Teaching institutions and Universities including Nursing and paramedical course providers, Service providers of AYUSH, Clinical Research Firms, Data Management/CRM/IT/AI firms active in healthcare, Medical Insurance companies, etc, are eligible.

    This category of Membership will be valid for one year only.