The Jaycees was established in 1920 in Saint Louis, Missouri, to provide opportunities for young men to develop personal and leadership skills through service to others. The Jaycees later expanded to include women, reflecting the growing influence and leadership of women in America. For the past 93 years, Jaycees have been a force for good in America and around the world.
As one of the greatest leadership training organizations in the world, our members make a difference in our community. You give us your time, enthusiasm, and ideas. We give you opportunities for community service, personal and professional development as well as access to business leaders, creative entrepreneurs, elected officials, and other people of influence. With just a few hours a month, the Washington Jaycees make a difference in the city of Washington and Franklin County. We meet new people, learn new skills, build a network of professional contacts, and have fun!
In addition to hosting an Annual Trivia Night and Brewfest, and participating in multiple community events, the Washington Jaycees started planning for the All Abilities Park in 2009. Completed in 2014, it is the only park with multiple pieces of equipment for kids with special needs in the greater Franklin County area. Meetings with equipment providers and therapists ensured that the park can offer the greatest therapy and play value possible. Most importantly this park enables typically developing children to play side by side with special needs children.