NREA salutes all of our rural teachers!
Thank you for making rural students and rural communities stronger each day! |
Raising Rural: A Fair Chance for a Good Life, which will explore creative and cooperative action around three strands: community, agency, and creativity. |
NFARE 2022 Updates:
- Research Proposals are currently in the review process. More information in May.
- Regular proposals are screened, and presenters have been sent a confirmation email. Be sure to check spam or junk folders.
- We received 400 proposals this year. The NFARE conference team is working on a special pre-conference to accommodate the large requests.
- Registration information will be out next week.
We Can Do This Campaign: NREA is a Proud Partner |
Be Part of the Solution Video featuring outdoorsman Cody Herman explaining how COVID vaccines are similar to outdoor disaster prevention measures. |
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A long-term nationwide teacher shortage, fueled by a dwindling pipeline and pandemic-related burnout, has led school districts around the U.S. to offer four-day school weeks. Some of these districts hope a shortened week will incentivize weary teachers to stay put. But would a shortened week benefit educators in practice while limiting consequences for students? And is this enough to slow the exodus? Recent surveys show pandemic-induced stress is causing teachers to consider leaving the industry earlier than they expected. A cross-industry analysis of professionals and stress co-authored by Seth Gershenson, an associate professor in the School of Public Affairs at American University, found similarities in college-educated professionals' stress levels and mental health. “What we found is that everybody’s stressed and teachers are no better off, no worse off than other similar looking professionals. That was a bit surprising at first, given the teachers' discussion and news attention,” Gershenson said, Changing America. That was before the pandemic. |
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State Affiliate Highlight: New York, Pennsylvania, and Alabama |
Spending on Summer Learning FutureEd just released its latest analysis of Covid-relief spending, looking at the money going toward summer learning and trends among large districts. They found: - Summer learning is the No. 1 strategy for academic recovery, measured by the number of school districts planning to invest ESSER III dollars and the amount of money designated for summer learning programs.
- Nearly 60 percent of the nation’s school districts and charter organizations expect to spend a portion of ARP funding on summer learning or a combination of summer and afterschool programs,
- The proposed districts and charters that provide dollar figures for these priorities add about $3.1 billion.
Ensuring Students' Equitable Access to Qualified and Effective Teachers This report from NCTQ analyzed how states responded to ESSA’s requirement that states collect and report on data about the equitable distribution of teacher talent amongst schools. The report found few jurisdictions collect or publish complete teacher talent data and attribute this gap to insufficient federal guidance. USDA: States Can Still Apply for Limited School Nutrition Waivers The USDA update shared in the webinar shows the agency is still working to help schools within its legal abilities, noting that USDA provided states with a checklist of waivers they are still eligible for. The state waivers will allow districts to implement summer grab-and-go meals still. Read more on K12Dive. |
New Resources Supporting the Integration of Minecraft: Education Edition into Classroom Instruction Now Available from Discovery Education |
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Discovery Education this week announced the availability of a host of new resources designed to support the integration of Minecraft: Education Edition (M: EE) into classroom instruction. Accessible through Discovery Education’s award-winning K-12 platform, these resources complement M: EE’s ability to inspire student exploration, experimentation, and expression. Discovery Education is the worldwide edtech leader whose state-of-the-art digital platform supports learning wherever it takes place. The Minecraft: Education Edition Channel, now available within the Discovery Education platform, provides educators with useful lesson plans and ready-to-use activities that support students as they explore Minecraft Worlds and uncover important subject area content and skills. Furthermore, students can demonstrate creativity and showcase evidence of learning through an editable showcase board built within Discovery Education’s content creation tool, Studio. With Discovery Education’s dynamic set of learning supports, educators have a new set of resources supporting the integration of M: EE into Discovery Education’s math, SEL, STEM, and science lessons. Discovery Education’s team continues adding, contextualizing, and organizing exciting new content and timely and relevant resources to the platform each month in response to current events and the ever-evolving needs of educators. These resources, sourced from trusted partners, are aligned to state and national standards and help educators bring the outside world into STEM, math, science, and SEL instruction every day. Minecraft: Education Edition takes everything players to love about Minecraft and adds collaboration tools, classroom controls, and more into an open-world game where the only limit is students’ imagination. Available for Windows, iPad, and Chromebook, M: EE includes exciting, immersive worlds such as Sustainability City, which invites students to explore aspects of sustainable living, from forestry to wastewater, recycling to clean energy, and more, and Code Builder, a feature that allows educators and students to explore, create, and play in the immersive Minecraft world by writing code. To learn more about this exciting partnership and do a deep dive into the Discovery Education platform with our new summer learning activities, grab-and-go instructional activities, and new resources to support SEL and ELL call or email Discovery Education at (888) 280-7493 or |
| The Rural Education Special Interest Group (SIG) promotes scholarly conversation about the lives of rural people, places, and their schools through research and provides a forum for the dissemination of this research. Sponsored by The NREA. |
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NREA Latest Partnership: Kajeet |