Rural Virtual College Fair |
Student registration is now open for the Small & Rural School District Virtual College Fair, presented by the California Small School Districts' Association, the National Rural Education Association, StriveScan, and Collegewise. Student Registration is Now Open! Direct your students to register at, which provides the schedule, groupings, and process and provides the students' links to register for each session.
Virtual College Fair Schedule Parent Presentations Collegewise will host panel presentations for parents the evening before the fair to discuss popular topics in higher education! These presentations are also open to school counselors and other staff, as well as students! Wednesday, April 14 6:00-7:45 pm Pacific Time Virtual College Fair Thursday, April 15, 2021 9:00 -11:45 AM Pacific 12:00 - 2:45 PM Eastern Students should register for each session that they want to attend. Once they register, they’ll receive a confirmation email with their unique link to join the Zoom webinar. (Students will also receive a barcode, but the barcode is not necessary for this virtual event.) When students register, they are sharing their registration information only with colleges presenting on that particular panel. StriveScan does not sell or share personally identifiable student information with any other third parties. Students should participate live so they can ask questions and interact with the college admission counselors. If students are unable to attend live, we still encourage them to register for the sessions they are interested in and recordings will be available here later.
Any questions? Email Corrie Pelc, SSDA Director of Member Services, at |
Just days away! Join us as we bring in community, school nutrition and educational leaders, and industry experts, to discuss how we can strengthen schools during this unprecedented time. Tune in to the Healthier School Communities Forum, March 24th and join the conversation. Register at #HealthierSchoolCommunities |
Rural Educator Weekly Spotlight: |
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Several months ago, the editors of The Rural Educator, in collaboration with the editors of the Journal of Research in Rural Education and Australian and International Journal of Rural Education released a statement regarding our renewed commitment to promoting scholarship that addresses the intersection of race and rurality. We believe these words should be followed by action. To that end, we are issuing a call for a special issue of The Rural Educator focused on research and practice that interrogates how racism operates and is challenged in rural schools and communities to be published in January of 2022. We envision this special issue as a foundation from which we will continue to grow our efforts at recruiting and publishing more diverse scholarship and promising practices in rural education. For the special issue, we are particularly interested in scholarship that addresses race and rurality broadly and from diverse perspectives, including a focus on learners, educators, leaders, community issues, resources, and equity policies, across the P-20 spectrum and both school and out-of-school education settings. Research manuscripts should, in some way, interrogate the intersection of race and rurality in rural education settings. We are also interested in publishing brief Promising Practices manuscripts (approximately 5-7 pages in length) that focus on instructional efforts aimed at creating more inclusive and equitable learning and work environments in schools and postsecondary institutions. The Promising Practices manuscripts should showcase both the work with which you are engaged and how that work affects learners and educators. Special Issue Timeline: Deadline for Submissions: April 15, 2021 Publication decisions and feedback to authors: July 15, 2021 Publication: January 2022 |
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| The Alliance for Research on Regional Colleges (ARRC) is a collaborative established by faculty members at four institutions to advance our understanding of colleges and universities with regional-serving missions by expanding research, partnerships, and knowledge sharing about these institutions. We were established with seed money from a grant awarded by The Joyce Foundation in 2020, and our first report on supporting rural anchor institutions during the COVID-19 pandemic can be found on our website ( We are planning a number of other releases of research and other materials through the course of the year, and people interested in receiving updates can sign up for our mailing list through the website. |
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| In a brand-new episode of Redefining Rural called “Meeker School District: The Power of In-Person Learning”, we interview Superintendent Chris Selle about his ongoing efforts to support his staff and students at Meeker School District since the pandemic began last spring. To listen to the entire episode, be sure to click this link and follow Redefining Rural on all our platforms: #meekerschooldistrict #redefiningrural #coloradoeducation #inpersonlearning |
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The Rural Schools Collaborative is pleased to present the Fourth Annual National Signature Project, a $2,500 grant to an outstanding and innovative classroom project that exemplifies the very best in place-based education. The Fourth Annual National Signature Project award application is now open to any rural classroom teacher in the United States. Thank you to the National Rural Education Association for co-sponsoring this program. NREA is the nation's oldest rural education organization, and we are honored to partner with them in this effort as part of our Grants in Place Program to support place-based education. |
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SSDA: Small School Districts Association Spotlight: California |
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The South Carolina Organization of Rural Schools (SCORS) was founded four years ago. SCORS was founded by Dr.Vashti Washington, Carol Hillman, and Dr. Arnold Hillman. All work performed by SCORS is handled by volunteers. All expenses are paid for by these volunteers. The SCORS website is a joint effort by SCORS and R&R productions of Harrisburg, PA. The cost of the Go Daddy site is once again paid for by volunteers. At the outset of the organization, its founding members contacted all of the extant educational organizations to see whether such an entity was necessary. It succeeded a rural school organization that disbanded in 2006. Since there are well over 30 such organizations in the United States, the conclusion was that they should be created. Since many of the rural school districts in South Carolina are resource-poor, it was a decision that a membership organization with dues would not be appropriate. The next step was to look at other ways of organizing. After a number of face-to-face meetings in Columbia with interested school superintendents and other education-related folks, a decision was made that these meetings, which were not well attended may have been inconvenient in the face of so many other meetings. It was at that point that several of the SCORS family suggested that a steering committee could be formed and that meetings could be held by conference call (and possibly later by electronic means). We were fortunate that Marc Drews, of EdVenture, could provide us with the phone conference means to have our meetings. Our Steering Committee is composed of a number of rural Superintendents, legislative aides, consultants, political operatives, attorneys, and higher education folks. The committee is composed of seventeen members. To understand our goals and our mission, please go to those sections of this website. Thank you for your interest. |
North Dakota Small Organized Schools speaks for all North Dakota rural schools. The membership combines to form an effective voice for public education while emphasizing local control. The most important function of the NDSOS is to serve as a legislative representative for its members where its strength comes from numbers. |
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Sharing Information From Our Partners and Sponsors: |
| This time last year, no one could have predicted the unprecedented impact Covid-19 would have on our schools and communities. While we can see the light at the end of the tunnel, educators still need support and resources to ensure that rural students are engaged in meaningful learning.
Throughout the pandemic, BetterLesson has worked with thousands of teachers and leaders to help them create powerful virtual, concurrent, and hybrid professional learning experiences. Their coaching and workshops are specifically designed to address the challenges and opportunities in these new ways of teaching and learning. Learn more about their offerings or schedule a consultation to see how they can build a professional learning solution tailored to the needs of your community. |
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| In rural America, the number of students requiring special education and related services—across every disability category—is rising. At the same time, inadequate state and local funding and a national shortage of related service providers is having a disproportionate effect on the nation’s most underserved students. If you are a school district seeking to: - Support many students with individual needs
- Maximize limited funding
- Ensure equity, access, and continuity
- Innovate and diversify your services…
Then this new white paper is for you. “Rural America in Focus: Delivering on the Promise of Special Education Related Services” offers an in-depth report on the challenges rural districts face and a guide for how to open up opportunities for students with special needs in your care. |
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