| Most headlines about the fifth generation of mobile networks focus on the blazing-fast speeds and higher bandwidth users will see from 5G devices. But another, less hyped aspect of the new technology, which carriers began deploying in late 2019, will have an outsized impact on millions of people in the U.S. alone. |
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Over the years, it has become apparent when looking at labor market information (LMI) that there is an increased need for career readiness for many technical jobs. According to a report by the National Skills Coalition, middle-skill jobs account for 54 percent of the United States’ labor market, but only 44 percent of the country’s workers are trained at the middle-skill level. These middle-skill jobs, such as mechanics or dental assistants, are often hands-on and require a great deal of creativity, making them challenging to eliminate, automate, or otherwise outsource. Given the industry’s disengagement within the education system, they are currently certain to face a painful shortage for quite some time (Symonds, Schwartz, & Ferguson, 2011). With this shortage on the horizon, shouldn’t we, as public education advocates, provide every possible avenue to prepare today’s students for tomorrow’s jobs? Shouldn’t those educating the community’s youth know, not only where a student’s interests and skillsets are, but also what jobs are available within the community and the skills and requirements needed for being successful in those particular jobs? This is the exact goal of the career readiness implementation plan that is currently being used to assist five rural school districts in Tennessee.
In an attempt to better focus on career readiness efforts, the Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) have collaborated to pool resources, and the USDA has awarded the TBR a $250,000.00 grant to create a framework that helps school districts in assisting students with the development of career goals and creating awareness of future job opportunities. The grant will provide assistance for five rural school districts: Chester, Decatur, Henderson, and Perry Counties, as well as Lexington, which is located in Henderson County. USDA Rural Development Tennessee State Director Jim Tracy said the grant program proposal submitted by the TBR is the first of its kind to be funded by the USDA and that it can serve as a model for similar programs across the nation. “The agency is excited to provide local investments in Chester, Decatur, Henderson, and Perry County through the USDA Rural Community Development Initiative Grant,” Tracy said. “The Tennessee Board of Regents, our grant awardee, with support from the National Rural Education Association (NREA), has identified an innovative regional approach to workforce development which advances rural prosperity.” “USDA is excited about this opportunity with the Tennessee Board of Regents and its potential to advance rural prosperity,” he said. |
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Rural Educator Weekly Spotlight: |
This teacher education textbook invites preservice and beginning teachers to think critically about the impact of rurality on their work and provides an overview of what it means to live, teach, learn, and thrive in rural communities. This book underscores the importance of teaching in rural schools as an act of social justice—work that dismantles spatial barriers to economic, social, and political justice. Teaching in Rural Places begins with a foundational section that addresses the importance of thinking about rural education in the U.S. as an educational environment with particular challenges and opportunities. The subsequent chapters address rural teaching within concentric circles of focus—from communities to schools to classrooms. Chapters provide concrete strategies for understanding rural communities, valuing rural ways of being, and teaching in diverse rural schools by addressing topics such as working with families, building professional networks, addressing trauma, teaching in multi-grade classrooms, and planning place-conscious instruction. The first of its kind, this comprehensive textbook for rural teacher education is targeted toward preservice and beginning teachers in traditional and alternative teacher education programs as well as new rural teachers participating in induction and mentoring programs. Teaching in Rural Places will help ensure that rural students have the well-prepared teachers they deserve. |
| The Colorado Rural Education Collaborative has introduced a new section on our website in a collaborative effort to bring future teachers into the amazing rural communities of Colorado!
If you are a teacher looking to work in a rural community, click here to search for teacher openings!
If you are a superintendent or administrator, click here to post your job openings and find potential teachers!
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The coronavirus pandemic has forced us all to take a step back and look into ourselves, re-assessing our priorities. Virus-induced disruption has also forced various sectors to engage in a similar process of deep introspection and fundamental re-evaluation. Educators have longed for the right time to reform the sector, and now—at the intersection of disruption and innovation—they have the perfect opportunity. Latest UNESCO figures point to the fact that over a billion students are unable to attend a school or university due to the global pandemic—this unprecedented crisis provides educators and policymakers with an unprecedented chance to redefine the future of pedagogy. How? By leveraging technology to transcend the subject-based, knowledge-holder model of learning. It’s one thing moving that model online with remote learning and hoping it resumes as soon as possible, but it’s an entirely different—and more exciting—challenge to redefine the experience of learning as one in which students, educators, and institutions are more successful. COVID-19 will undoubtedly have a lasting impact on education, but how will that impact manifest itself? |
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Sharing Information From Our Partners and Sponsors: |
- Connect and build relationships with professionals in other education organizations who share your passion for teacher preparation, recruitment, and retention
- Attend AAEE-hosted webinars (and access previous recordings) and read our blog posts to learn the latest best practices and innovative approaches
- Tuesday, 4/27 event (2:00-3:00 PM Central) – “Baiting the Hook ~ How to Write a Job Post to Increase Applicants”
- Thursday, 5/6 event (2:00-3:00 PM Central) – "Video Interviewing Best Practices for Hiring Teachers & Staff"
- Thursday, 5/13 event (2:00-3:00 PM Central) – "More Than State Certification: Hiring for High-Quality Virtual Instruction"
- Tuesday, 5/18 event (2:00-3:00 PM Central) – "How to Thrive During Your First Year: 5 Truths Every New Teacher Needs To Hear"
- Receive access to our annual Educator Supply and Demand Report (2020-21 report coming soon)
- Share current vacancies with educator candidates via our PK-12 Education Job Board
- Build awareness of your school/district among a nationwide audience of prospective educators with an advertisement in the annual Job Search Handbook for Educators
- Purchase digital or print copies in bulk for distribution to future teachers participating in clubs and/or Grow Your Own programs
- Attend AAEE's Annual Conference in October for a 3-day "deep dive" with fellow professionals into topics related to teacher preparation, recruitment, and retention (Might want to present? Click here!)
- Participate in an annual cohort of AAEE’s National Working Group on Teacher Retention, conducted in partnership with Upbeat
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Women make up 77 percent of the workforce in public education, yet 73 percent of superintendents are men. We all want to take an active role in closing this gender gap. The topic is particularly timely with the setbacks that women have experienced in the workforce due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Kate Eberle Walker, PresenceLearning CEO and author of The Good Boss: 9 Ways Every Manager Can Support Women at Work, will be interviewed by national school leader Dr. Robert Avossa, former superintendent of the School District of Palm Beach County and Fulton County Schools, to discuss how leaders, men and women alike, can support women in education. During the webinar, Eberle Walker will share the lessons from her book and Avossa will reflect on how to apply them to education organizations. Participants will walk away with practical advice including how to:
- Develop and promote more female leaders - Create working environments that promote inclusivity - Bring women back to the workforce post-COVID
Bring your questions! We’ll save time at the end of the presentation for Q&A.
Thu, May 6, 2021, 2:00 PM EDT |
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