News from our Partners at Rural Schools Collaborative

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Rural Schools Collaborative is seeking a dedicated and passionate rural advocate to join their team as a project coordinator! This position will support RSC programs while taking the lead on social media communications. Please share or apply today!
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This groundbreaking project is part of the I Am a Rural Teacher campaign shared by NREA and RSC. It is a collaborative effort between the Welsh Government, Rural Schools Collaborative, Teton Science Schools, University of Denver, and the University of Colorado—Denver, aiming to create a network of international rural teachers and school leaders who work together to support place-based instruction and connect learning to the communities and the world around us. Learn more about the progress of the Reciprocity Project through RSC's blog posts!

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On June 7th, 2024, celebrated and heard from 17 rural teachers who were awarded grants to do a Place-Based Education project that connected their classrooms and communities. These grants were provided with support from the Patterson Family Foundation.

Examples of projects included multiple garden-based initiatives, connecting history and language arts lessons to local culture, bringing the community together for mental health awareness, a healthy living and eating workshop, and so much more. To watch the full recording, and learn about each inspiring project, view the 2024 Celebration of Learning.
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