Learning Can't Wait Podcast, Rural Schools Open, Fact Sheet on Chronic Absenteeism

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Welcome to Episode One of the Rural Education mini-series on the Learning Can’t Wait podcast! This week, Hayley Spira-Bauer hosts a panel of three incredible education leaders to dispel myths about rural America:
  • Melissa Harris - Senior Fellow at Transcend
  • Allen Pratt - Executive Director of the National Rural Education Association
  • Taylor McCabe-Juhnke - Executive Director at Rural Schools Collaborative
Tune in as guests illuminate the many positive aspects of rural education, exploring how the "scrappiness" of rural schools inherently fosters a culture of innovation. The group also delves into the opportunities of AI and other technologies, while describing why collaboration between rural schools and communities is essential. 

Join Learning Can't Wait every Tuesday at . They continue the Rural Education mini-series by discussing collegiality in rural schools with Michael Gonzalez and Richard Wright.
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The Rural Schools Open website provides information and resources for rural communities facing school closure, including resources for pushing back against closure and for closing well when needed.
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NREA representatives recently traveled to Washington, D.C., to attend the Every Day Counts White House Summit about chronic absenteeism. The Biden-Harris Administration has prioritized investments to ensure children's success, starting with regular school attendance. Chronic absenteeism surged to 31% in 2021-2022. However, the 2022-2023 school year has seen improvements. You can learn more about these changes, and find resources for your district, in the Fact Sheet from the White House.
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