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Dear Subscriber,

These STEM-OPS "News Bites" have been created to keep you informed of discrete happenings between newsletters. The next full newsletter will be sent in Feb 2024.

On February 17th and March 2nd, the Vanderbilt University Initiative for Race Research and Justice will host day-long trainings on Restorative Practices. If you, or anyone in your network, is looking for an opportunity to receive professional training on what Restorative Practices are and ways Restorative Practices can be integrated into your work, please consider attending one of these workshops.
You need only attend ONE of the workshops. And, as a bonus, the training includes an IIRP certification!
The cost of the training is $250 before February 7th and $300 thereafter. IIRP typically charges significantly more for certification, so this is a GREAT deal!

For event details, .
Hope to see you there.

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