Message from the President
Aaniin Boozhoo, Tan’si, Greetings from IPAC,
As the days are getting longer I am enjoying seeing more sunlight. We have been having an exceptionally warm winter here in Winnipeg and less snow then normal. Although I have been enjoying the warmer winter and not having to shovel as often I think about the impacts this will have on the health of our land. The theme of this newsletter is planetary Health. First Nations, Metis and Inuit people have a unique and inherent relationship with the land. This relationship is founded on responsibility, respect, love and spiritual connection. The impact of environmental change has been felt throughout our territories and has impacted our traditional foods, our waterways and our spiritual connection and practices. This has had ramifications to our health and has disproportionately impacted Indigenous individuals, families and communities.
In this newsletter you'll be learning about IPAC's response to Bill S-5, Strengthening Environmental Protection for a Healthier Canada Act. This bill is an amendment to the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) to recognize that every individual in Canada has the right to a healthy environment. We want to ensure that your voices are heard and hope that you can participate in a way that works for you.
This year’s IPAC AGM will be on July 12-14, 2023 and will occur in Halifax (Kjipuktuk), Nova Scotia, that is located in Mi’kma’ki the ancestral and traditional lands of the Mi’kmaq people. Our theme for this year’s AGM is “Our Stories, Our Medicine. I am looking forward to seeing everyone and sharing our stories together of how we heal as Indigenous people while building our relationships among our membership. If you are planning to attend please make sure your membership is up to date and you are registered.
Dr. Mandy Buss, IPAC President