About Us
Institute for Certified BPO & Shared Services is an accredited body saddled with the responsibility of certifying Business, Outsourcing and Shared Service Professionals, with the vision to embrace innovation and thrive in the digital world. The Institute carries out both the study and examination windows online through a Learning Management System and this has enabled professionals from different works of life and locations to gain access to the Institute successfully.
It's program is designed to serve as a forum for members and intending members of the Institute to meet, interact and exchange ideas and opinions about practical Business and Shared Services challenges and experiences, to build industry leaders and to set industry standards for both the outsourcing profession and other related professions and stakeholders.
Indeed, a decision to certify will amount to taking hold of the future. This certification gives you the opportunity to become an Associate, Specialist, Expert, Manager and Fellow Member of the institute which would confer you with the acronym, BPA, BPS, BPE, BPM and FBP .