Membership of MenEngage Alliance is open to civil society organizations that work or with an interest in transforming patriarchal masculinities and working with men and boys for women's rights, gender justice, LGBTIQ rights, child rights, climate and social justice for all.
In addition, MenEngage Alliance is open to individual members. Individual members can be independent consultants, academic researchers, activists, or others with a relevant interest in this work.
For many members, transforming masculinities is the main focus of their work. For others, it is a complementary part of their broader work for women's rights, gender justice, LGBTIQ rights, health and rights, child development and rights, violence prevention, youth leadership, social development, climate justice, or other related areas.
Why become a member?
MenEngage Alliance fosters a community of practice among our diverse membership. For many members, the sense of belonging to this international community is an important motivating factor to be involved, and one of the rewarding benefits of membership. Joining as a member is an opportunity to become more connected with this community – in your country, region as well as all over the world.
As a member you will be able to:
What are the responsibilities of being a member of MenEngage Alliance?
Being a member of MenEngage Alliance comes with a commitment to our collective Core Principles and Code of Conduct. Together, they form the foundation for membership with MenEngage Alliance.
Beyond simply agreeing to these documents, being a member of MenEngage Alliance means actively committing to upholding and promoting our values, to 'walk the talk' on the vision of equality and justice, and improving accountable practices in your work and in the broader field. We aspire to foster spaces where we can do this collectively – by sharing knowledge, experiences and resources – and individually, by investing time and effort on personal growth. Being a principle based network, we take these responsibilities seriously and aim to foster a culture of accountability.
MenEngage Alliance is a decentralized network, with national and regional networks. Some regional networks may have additional requirements or core documents that members sign onto, based on the needs identified and agreed for their contexts.
How does membership work?
Membership of MenEngage Alliance is decided at the level of country and regional networks, following our decentralized organizing model. This means that all the membership applications we receive are assessed and decided by the respective country and/or regional networks depending on where the organization or individual is based. Once approved, all members of country or regional networks are automatically members of the global MenEngage Alliance.
If there is no national or regional network where you are based, you are still welcome to apply to become a member that is not affiliated with any particular national or regional network. In these cases, the application is processed by the Global Secretariat and Global Board.