For over 238 years, NHCMA has represented the voice of New Haven County physicians and their patients. We offer not just a wealth of benefits like networking events, discounts, action alerts, and workshops, we also give you and your patients a way to get involved in the fight for the future of healthcare.
NHCMA Benefits
Affinity Vendors
Legislative Oversight and Key Contact Program
Responses to Regulatory and Ethical Questions and Practice Management Inquiries
Project Access - New Haven (Physicians, hospitals, and community organizations work together to provide donated specialty health care for low-income, uninsured individuals in the greater New Haven.)
HAVEN (Health Assistance InterVention Education Network) Program for the Identification and Rehabilitation of Health Care Professionals Suffering Impairment
Peer Review Programs
Patient Advocacy
Community Health Programs
Health System Reform
Educational Seminars for Physicians and Their Staffs