Call for Application: UN Women Youth Gender Activists
UN Women Indonesia will select six national gender youth activists who will advise the UN Women Indonesia ... Learn more
UN Women and Republic of Korea Work to Support Women and Resilient Communities in Indonesia
UN Women and Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) launched a three-year project to build sustainable peace for women and girls in Indonesian villages. Learn more
In Indonesian villages, men learn how to support their wives in their businesses
A man, who lives in Lantan village in North Lombok, said he was sorry for the way he had treated his family. After attending UN Women's Gender Equality Training for Male Partners, he realized how wrong his actions were. Learn more
Anne Hathaway calls on leaders of the business community to put women at the heart of economic growth
Speaking via video message at the Business 20 (B20), the official G20 dialogue forum with the global business community meeting in Bali ... Learn more
PEACE VILLAGE: Women-led initiative to promote peaceful and resilient communities in Indonesia
Engage with the stories of women in the Peace Village through the interactive story book... Learn more

UN Women Indonesia

In Indonesia, UN Women works with government, civil society organizations, academia, the media, the public and private sectors to address national priorities of gender equality and women’s empowerment. Placing the advancement of women’s rights at the centre of our work, UN Women Indonesia focuses on:

Ending Violence Against Women

UN Women Indonesia works with a range of stakeholders to increase awareness of the causes and consequences of violence against women, while also building the capacity of partners for policy reform to prevent and respond to this violence. We advocate for changing norms and behaviour as a prevention strategy to tackle violence against women.

  • Marginalized Groups: We work with key stakeholders to improve policy, essential services and responses to women migrant workers, women with disability and women living with HIV subjected to violence.
  • Access to Justice: Engagement with Komnas Perempuan to strengthen integrated justice system for Violence against Women (VAW) cases, develop capacity of government, legal aids and women’s crisis centers.
  • Campaign for Prevention of Sexual Violence:
    We build partnership with media, creative industry and private sectors to develop campaign strategy to change norms to prevent sexual violence.
  • Data and Analysis: We work to ensure the availability of data to inform policy makers to better respond to VAW survivors.
Women, Peace and Security

UN Women Indonesia aims to empower women to contribute to better, safer, and more peaceful communities. We promote localized model based on women’s leadership to promote peace and tolerance, strengthening key actors and youth.

  • Women’s Leadership: Advancing women’s leadership is the focus of our WPS Programme, we are building alliance with women member of parliament and initiate work to promote women in peacekeeping operations.
  • Peace Villages Model: We work with Wahid Foundation to piloted ‘Peace Villages’, for localized community mobilization for gender responsive conflict prevention in East Java. This model will be replicated with youth participation and stronger government commitment.
  • Promote WPS Agenda in ASEAN: Engagement with ASEAN Sectoral Bodies, we increase capacity and developing innovate approaches to conflict prevention.
  • Leverage Gender Data: We promote the collection and utilization of gender data for disaster resilience and during crisis to inform better recovery and response.
Women’s Economic Empowerment

UN Women Indonesia works with a range of stakeholders, including private sectors, to support women economic empowerment by providing access to skill development, resources and enabling environment to increase women’s participation in the economy.

  • Business Sectors’ Engagement: We support the business sectors to implement Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEP) to support gender responsive workplace and women’s enterprise growth.
  • Access to Skills Development: We develop online and offline platform to allow flexible and inclusive opportunity to skill development in entrepreneurship.
  • Leverage Digital and E-commerce Onboarding: We work together with tech-sector and e-commerce companies to enhance women entrepreneurs’ digital and business literacy.
  • Data and Analysis: We work with partners to develop data to identify root cause of gender inequality in the economy and pilot for replicable model to better informed decision makers in accelerating women’s economic empowerment.



In videos

"UNiTE" stand-up comedy show and music concert to end violence against women

Parliamentarians Standing Up to Violence against Women in Politics in Indonesia
Kartini Day 2022: Ask Us Anything with Voice of Baceprot (VOB)

Prioritizing Mental Health during COVID-19 | UN Women Indonesia
Peace Village: Women-led Initiative to Promote Peaceful and Resilient Communities in Indonesia

In stories

Featured Publication

UN Women Indonesia Newsletter Vol. 4


This is the fourth edition of UN Women Indonesia’s newsletter, capturing a series of initiatives from October 2022 to January 2023.