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Event Summary

AI is set to transform the world of learning. It has the potential to make learning more engaging, personalised, adaptive, inclusive, efficient and effective. But there are concerns about misinformation, bias, privacy, academic integrity and dehumanising the learning experience.

Are you ready to reap the opportunities and manage the risks of using AI? Designed for educators and learning & development professionals, this forum gathers international experts and local practitioners to look into:

· Developing an AI readiness roadmap for your organisation

· The first steps to using AI in teaching and staff development

· Using AI to innovate learning : Case of Singapore

· How we might support the uptake of AI in teaching and learning in Hong Kong

The forum will be conducted in English. Free admission.

Get Started with AI

According to the World Economic forum (WEF), over 1 billion jobs are set to be transformed by artificial intelligence (AI) technology in the next decade. How might we build an AI-powered organisation to reskill the workforce and to ensure our next generations are future ready? 

Prof Rose Luckin, an internationally renowned guru from Educate Ventures Research (UK), will kick off the seminar with the 7 steps to get your organisation ready to leverage the transformational power of AI in learning. You will learn the basics on how you can transform learning by working effectively and ethically with AI and data. 

Using AI and other technologies to innovate learning : Case of Singapore

In 2019, Singapore unveiled its first National AI Strategy, outlining plans to deepen the use of AI to transform its economy. The strategy was updated in Dec 2023. A core pillar of the Singapore National AI Strategy 2.0 is to empower individuals, businesses, and communities to use AI with confidence, discernment, and trust. 

David Yeo, Founder and CEO/Chief Learning Architect at Kydon Group, will share how AI and other technologies is transforming classroom practices and workforce development in Singapore. Kydon is one of the fastest learning technologies companies in Southeast Asia.

Breakout Sessions For Educators and L&D Professionals

Practitioners will share the first steps to using AI in the two breakout sessions. We shall invite inputs from participants on the support they need to embrace AI in teaching and staff training. 

Jun 7, 2024

4:00 PM - 7:00 PM GMT+8

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HKU iCube by HKU Business School
40/F, Exchange Square Two, HKU iCube
Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong SAR (China)

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  • Main Schedule
    4:00 PM - 4:15 PMIntroduction
    Introduction by Forum MCs

    Dr Fanny Wai Fan Lam

    Specialist in Developmental Behaviour Paediatrics at Blue Sky Precision Medicine

    Ellen Lau

    Director of Training at Preface

    Moxie The compassionte AI robot

    4:15 PM - 4:25 PMWelcome

    John Tsang

    Founder of Esperanza

    4:25 PM - 4:55 PMBuild your organisation’s AI strategy and roadmap

    Prof Rose Luckin

    Learner Centred Design at UCL Knowledge Lab

    4:55 PM - 5:25 PMHow is AI changing teaching and learning? Case of Singapore

    David Yeo

    Founder and CEO of Kydon Group

    5:25 PM - 5:45 PMGetting ready for AI revolution: Q&A

    Victor Kwok

    Assistant Research Director of Our Hong Kong Foundation

    David Yeo

    Founder and CEO of Kydon Group

    Prof Rose Luckin

    Learner Centred Design at UCL Knowledge Lab

    5:45 PM - 6:00 PMBreak
    Breakout Session for L&D Professionals
    6:00 PM - 7:00 PMBreakout session for L&D Professionals
    • First steps to Embedding AI in Talent Development
    • Support/incentives to enterprises

    Karen Fung

    General Manager, InnoPreneur and Futureskills at Hong Kong Productivity Council

    Charles Ho

    Member, Learning and Development Commmittee at HKIHRM

    Dr Sean McMinn

    Director of Center for Education Innovation at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

    Tony Wo

    Director, Learning, Culture and Diversity of AXA

    Breakout Session for Educators
    6:00 PM - 7:00 PMBreakout session for educators
    • First steps to Embedding AI in Teaching and Learning
    • Support/incentives to education institutes

    Andrew Chiu

    Innovation and Technology Coach at Victoria Shanghai Academy

    Ka TIm Chu

    Chairman at HKACE

    Prof S C Kong

    Director of Artificial Intelligence and Digital Competency Education Centre

    Philip Law

    Vice Principal at Education University of Hong Kong Jockey Club Primary School


  • Andrew Chiu (Innovation and Technology Coach at Victoria Shanghai Academy)

    Andrew Chiu

    Innovation and Technology Coach at Victoria Shanghai Academy

    Read Bio
  • Ka TIm Chu (Chairman at HKACE)

    Ka TIm Chu

    Chairman at HKACE

    Read Bio
  • Karen Fung (General Manager, InnoPreneur and Futureskills at Hong Kong Productivity Council)

    Karen Fung

    General Manager, InnoPreneur and Futureskills at Hong Kong Productivity Council

    Read Bio
  • Charles Ho (Member, Learning and Development Commmittee at HKIHRM)

    Charles Ho

    Member, Learning and Development Commmittee at HKIHRM

    Read Bio
  • Prof Irwin King (Director of of the Centre for eLearning Innovation and Technology (ELITE), CUHK)

    Prof Irwin King

    Director of of the Centre for eLearning Innovation and Technology (ELITE), CUHK

    Read Bio
  • Prof S C Kong (Director of Artificial Intelligence and Digital Competency Education Centre)

    Prof S C Kong

    Director of Artificial Intelligence and Digital Competency Education Centre

    Read Bio
  • Victor Kwok (Assistant Research Director of Our Hong Kong Foundation)

    Victor Kwok

    Assistant Research Director of Our Hong Kong Foundation

    Read Bio
  • Dr Fanny Wai Fan Lam (Specialist in Developmental Behaviour Paediatrics at Blue Sky Precision Medicine)

    Dr Fanny Wai Fan Lam

    Specialist in Developmental Behaviour Paediatrics at Blue Sky Precision Medicine

    Read Bio
  • Ellen Lau (Director of Training at Preface)

    Ellen Lau

    Director of Training at Preface

    Read Bio
  • Philip Law (Vice Principal at Education University of Hong Kong Jockey Club Primary School)

    Philip Law

    Vice Principal at Education University of Hong Kong Jockey Club Primary School

    Read Bio
  • Dr  Sean McMinn (Director of Center for Education Innovation at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)

    Dr Sean McMinn

    Director of Center for Education Innovation at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

    Read Bio
  • Prof Rose Luckin (Learner Centred Design at UCL Knowledge Lab)

    Prof Rose Luckin

    Learner Centred Design at UCL Knowledge Lab

    Read Bio
  • Moxie The compassionte AI robot

    Moxie The compassionte AI robot

    Read Bio
  • John Tsang (Founder of Esperanza)

    John Tsang

    Founder of Esperanza

    Read Bio
  • Tony Wo (Director, Learning, Culture and Diversity of AXA)

    Tony Wo

    Director, Learning, Culture and Diversity of AXA

    Read Bio
  • Agnes Wong (General Manager at PTI)

    Agnes Wong

    General Manager at PTI

    Read Bio
  • David Yeo (Founder and CEO of Kydon Group)

    David Yeo

    Founder and CEO of Kydon Group

    Read Bio


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