

2018 12月 06 至 2019 3月 08 GMT+8




Why STEM Excellence Award ?

  1. Recognise people leading the way in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM)
  2. Inspire the next generation of scientists and engineers
  3. Opportunities for networking and forming business and research alliances amongst participants, including other industry representatives, academics and teachers
  4. a platform for participants to benchmark their products and services
  5. a 'showcase of success stories' for Hong Kong vendors that are developing innovative STEM research outcomes
  6. media exposure for products, participating firms and individuals





香港新興科技教育協會策動籌辦,並由多個香港業界組織及專業團體參與籌辦。教育局,創新及科技局及政府資訊科技総監辦公室全力支持,比賽目的是讓學生於STEM (科學、科技、工程及數學)方面發揮創意及提升創新能力,並表揚學生,老師和學校在發明上所付出的努力。2019年大灣區STEM卓越獎(香港區) 題目包括: 科學實驗組、機器人及資訊科技組別

比賽分為幼稚園組、小學組、初中組、高中組及大專大學組。學生可選擇以個人或少個七人小組形式參賽。 同時,比賽更設有十大STEM教師卓越獎及十大STEM學校卓越獎。如有興趣參與比賽的同學,請瀏覽大會網頁(http://www.hknetea.org)參閱比賽詳情並下載申請表格。填妥的表格連同參賽作品請於二零一九年三月八日(星期五)或之前在https://www.eventbank.com/event/11093/ 報名


如對上述比賽有任何查詢,請致電28696603 或以電郵


The Greater Bay Area STEM Excellence Award 2019 (Hong Kong)


The purpose of this circular memorandum is to inform schools of the competition

The Greater Bay Area STEM Excellence Award 2019 (Hong Kong) . All primary and secondary school students are encouraged to participate in the captioned competition.


The Greater Bay Area STEM Excellence Award 2019 (Hong Kong) is organized by Hong Kong New Emerging Technology Education Association (HKNETEA) This year, The Greater Bay Area STEM Excellence Award 2019 (Hong Kong), supported by the Education Bureau (EDB),Innovation and Technology Bureau (ITB) and Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO)

This award aims to enhance students' creativity and innovation, and recognise young STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) talents for their efforts. Subjects of The Greater Bay Area STEM Excellence Award 2019 (Hong Kong) include Science Lab, Robotics and ICT (Information and Communication Technology) .

The competition will be divided into five groups, namely kindergarten, primary, junior secondary, senior secondary, Tertiary or above groups. Students may participate the competition either in individual or in group of less than 7 people. In addition, there are award stream for Top 10 STEM Teachers and The Top 10 STEM Schools. More details can be found in the official website (http://www.hknetea.org). Deadline will be on 8 March 2019 (Fri).


Express interest to the above competition, please feel free to contact Mr Chan by phone 28696603 or email (info@hknetea.org) Mr Chan. Registration: https://www.eventbank.com/event/11093/

Rules and Regulations 參賽規則

  1. Applicants are advised to be aware of the best practice and case-based experience as promulgated by the Office of Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data.
  2. In case of any dispute, the decision of the organiser will be final and binding on all parties concerned.

Stream I: Primary Schools

It is opened for full time Hong Kong primary school students (P.1 – P.6, academic year from 2018-2019). The projects can be conducted by an individual or a group of no more than six students.

Stream II: Secondary (Junior) Schools

It is opened for full time Hong Kong secondary school students (F.1 – F.3, academic year from 2018-2019). The projects can be conducted by an individual or a group of no more than six students.

Stream III: Secondary (Senior) Schools

It is opened for full time Hong Kong secondary school (F.4 – F.6, academic year from 2018-2019). The projects can be conducted by an individual or a group of no more than six students.

Stream IV: Tertiary or above

The projects should be conducted by local registered tertiary institution students (Higher Diploma, Associate Degree, Bachelor, Master and PhD), including the applicants who are graduates in the academic year 2018-2019. The projects can be conducted by an individual or a group of no more than six students.

  1. 參賽單位需留意由私隱專員公署所制訂的最佳行事方式指引及個案經驗。
  2. 如有任何爭議,主辦單位保留最終決定權,參賽者不得異議。








