



日期: 2024 年9月11日, 星期三




  • 分享如何在课堂常规、课间活动以及学校其他日常活动中有效使用图卡
  •  探讨图卡在课程设计、教学策略中的具体应用方法,展示如何通过图卡促进学生的理解和参与。

讲员:Kindle Garden Preschool - 李老师(高级华文教师) / 陈老师 ( 华文教师 )

有意参与线上分享与会话的学前教师请单击下面的"注册"蓝色按钮报名注册. 由于名额有限,先报先得。AECES会员优先。


Join us in the upcoming AECES Conversation conducted in Mandarin with our local Chinese Early Childhood Practitioner.

The Conversation(in Mandarin) will be held on Wednesday, 11 September 2024 from 8pm to 9pm. Pre-school MT teachers who are interested to participate in this online sharing are encouraged to register as there is limited number of places and registration is based on a first-come-first-served basis.

Date: Wednesday, 11 September 2024

Time: 8pm to 9pm

Topic: Application of teaching strategies in inclusive education model-----Picture cards

Sypnosis: As a visual aid, picture cards have shown unique advantages in inclusive education. This session explores the daily activities and teaching applications of picture cards in inclusive education models.

Resource Speaker(s): Kindle Garden Preschool - Senior Teacher Li Guimin(高级华文教师) / Teacher Chen Yiting ( 华文教师 )

Limited slots available and priority will be given to AECES members first. Do register early to avoid disappointment! To sign up for the upcoming session, please click the register button.

We look forward to seeing you!


  • Li Guimin (Senior Teacher, Kindle Garden Preschool)

    Li Guimin

    Senior Teacher, Kindle Garden Preschool

    高级华文教师, 从事学前华文教育专业14年

  • Chen Yiting (Chinese Teacher, Kindle Garden Preschool)

    Chen Yiting

    Chinese Teacher, Kindle Garden Preschool

    华文教师, 从事学前华文教育专业8 年
