- SHRM Information
- Ice Breaker Activity
- Differentiate between HR metrics and HR analytics
- Explain the concept of advanced analytics
- List the benefits of using HR analytics for organizational decisions
- Summarize current trends in human resources analytics
- Distinguish between human capital metrics and human resource metrics
- Differentiate between the various terminologies used in analytics (i.e., data analytics, business analytics, workforce analytics, people analytics, HR analytics, etc.)
- Describe the process for determining measurement and data requirements
- List methods used for capturing data
- Describe how to determine accuracy of data
- Identify metrics of interest when collecting data (i.e. key performance indicators (KPIs)
- Differentiate between various research methods
- Describe the process for determining measurement and data requirements
- List methods used for capturing data
- Describe how to determine accuracy of data
- Identify metrics of interest when collecting data (i.e. key performance indicators (KPIs)
- Differentiate between various research methods
- Identify the proper method to analyze data (i.e., needs analysis, cost-benefit analysis, job analysis, survey analysis, etc.)
- Outline the processes for conducting analysis
- Provide organizational examples of predictive software
- Discuss the technical considerations when selecting an analytics program/system/software and completing analysis
- Provide an overview of commonly used methods for visualizing data though the use of scatter plots, trend lines, and advanced data mining and modeling techniques
- Identify the proper method to analyze data (i.e., needs analysis, cost-benefit analysis, job analysis, survey analysis, etc.)
- Outline the processes for conducting analysis
- Provide organizational examples of predictive software
- Discuss the technical considerations when selecting an analytics program/system/software and completing analysis
- Provide an overview of commonly used methods for visualizing data though the use of scatter plots, trend lines, and advanced data mining and modeling techniques
- Interpret analytical results
- Use data to make organizational recommendations
- Identify effective data presentation methods (e.g. scorecards)
- Prepare a presentation of results
- Present results to effectively communicate information to organizational stakeholders and decision-makers
- Provide tools for monitoring and tracking data of interest over time (e.g. dashboards)
- Interpret analytical results
- Use data to make organizational recommendations
- Identify effective data presentation methods (e.g. scorecards)
- Prepare a presentation of results
- Present results to effectively communicate information to organizational stakeholders and decision-makers
- Provide tools for monitoring and tracking data of interest over time (e.g. dashboards)
- Interpret analytical results
- Use data to make organizational recommendations
- Identify effective data presentation methods (e.g. scorecards)
- Prepare a presentation of results
- Present results to effectively communicate information to organizational stakeholders and decision-makers
- Provide tools for monitoring and tracking data of interest over time (e.g. dashboards)