This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Indonesia Global Compact Network events.
Opening by MC
Indonesia Raya
Welcoming Remarks
Prof. Dr. dr. Yuda Turana, Sp. S (K)
  • Prof. Dr. dr. Yuda Turana, Sp. S (K) (Rector, UNIKA Atma Jaya)

    Prof. Dr. dr. Yuda Turana, Sp. S (K)

    Rector, UNIKA Atma Jaya
Keynote 1
Dr. Vivi Yulaswati
  • Dr. Vivi Yulaswati (Deputy for Maritime Affairs and Natural Resources, Ministry of National Development Planning/BAPPENAS)

    Dr. Vivi Yulaswati

    Deputy for Maritime Affairs and Natural Resources, Ministry of National Development Planning/BAPPENAS
Keynote 2
Gita Sabharwal
  • Gita Sabharwal (UN Resident Coordinator in Indonesia)

    Gita Sabharwal

    UN Resident Coordinator in Indonesia
IGCN 2023 Highlights
Josephine Satyono
  • Josephine Satyono (Executive Director, Indonesia Global Compact Network)

    Josephine Satyono

    Executive Director, Indonesia Global Compact Network
Appreciation to the Board (2021-2024)
Y. W. JunardyJosephine Satyono
  • Y. W. Junardy (President, Indonesia Global Compact Network)

    Y. W. Junardy

    President, Indonesia Global Compact Network
  • Josephine Satyono (Executive Director, Indonesia Global Compact Network)

    Josephine Satyono

    Executive Director, Indonesia Global Compact Network
IGCN 2024 Strategic Planning and New Board Announcement
Y. W. Junardy
  • Y. W. Junardy (President, Indonesia Global Compact Network)

    Y. W. Junardy

    President, Indonesia Global Compact Network
Special Recognition
Introduction of UN Global Compact Forward Faster Initiative
Launch of the Forward Faster initiative, the Announcement of the Signatories from Indonesia, and the Launch of Translated Forward Faster Action Guides
Elim Sritaba

Join Commitment CEO Signing Forward Faster on Stage

  • Elim Sritaba (Board, Indonesia Global Compact Network)

    Elim Sritaba

    Board, Indonesia Global Compact Network

Announcement: IGCN Upcoming Events
Draw Prize

Closing and Lunch