PACDC Members - Both Days

Member Price

This ticket is for entry to both conference days.

  • Member PricePrice:$300.-
Buy Ticket

Non-Members - Both days

Public Price

This ticket is for entry to both days of the conference

  • Public PricePrice:$350.-
Buy Ticket

Day 1 ONLY - PACDC Members

Member Price

This ticket is for attending ONLY Day 1 of the conference.

  • Member PricePrice:$250.-
Buy Ticket

Day 1 ONLY Non-Members

Public Price

This ticket is for Day 1 of the conference ONLY.

  • Public PricePrice:$300.-
Buy Ticket

Day 2 ONLY PACDC Members

Member Price

This ticket is for Day 2 of the conference.

  • Member PricePrice:$150.-
Buy Ticket

Day 2 ONLY Non-members

Public Price

This ticket is for Day 2 of the conference

  • Public PricePrice:$200.-
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Sponsors & Speakers - Both Days

Public Price

This ticket is for SPONSORS & SPEAKERS attending both days of the conference.

  • Public PricePrice:$400.-
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Sponsors & Speakers - Day 1 ONLY

Public Price

This ticket is for SPONSORS & SPEAKERS attending Day 1 of the conference.

  • Public PricePrice:$300.-
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Sponsors & Speakers - Day 2 ONLY

Public Price

This tickets is for SPONSORS & SPEAKERS attending Day 2 of the conference.

  • Public PricePrice:$300.-
Buy Ticket