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FACC 2023 Annual General Meeting

The 2023 Annual General Meeting of the Finland Australia Chamber of Commerce, Inc. is being held on Friday 1 December 2022.

The meeting will be held both in person at the Business Finland office, level 22, 44 Market Street, 2000, Sydney and online using Google Meets platform. The meeting will commence at 5pm Sydney time (AEDT) sharp and run for approximately 30 minutes.


1. Apologies

2. Minutes of previous Annual General Meeting

3. President's Report

4. Treasurer's Report, including presentation of financial statements

5. Election of Committee Members

6. Other business

In accordance with the Chamber's governing rules, all existing members of the executive committee will retire from office at the AGM. Elections will then be held to appoint up to 10 members to the executive committee. Those people retiring will be eligible for re-election.

The retiring Executive Committee propose a mandate for the ExCom in 2024 term to transition FACC to continue operation as Company Limited by Guarantee, under ASIC registration for national presence, the good governance framework and establishing the state chapters to better serve the purpose of multi-state activities, cultural inclusion and engagement form our industry partners.

We are now seeking nominations from eligible persons for appointment to the Executive Committee. Nominations must be made using the approved form, available as an attached document to this event invitation. Each nomination must be signed by the nominating FACC members (two are required) and the nominee. Only members or representatives of corporate members can be nominated.

The Executive Committee is the Chamber's equivalent of a board of directors. The Executive Committee meets ten times a year and has a very important role in shaping the future of the Chamber nationally.

The Notice of Annual General Meeting, proxy form and executive committee nomination form can be downloaded by clicking on the links below:

· Notice of Annual General Meeting

· Attendance Proxy Form

· Calling for Executive Nominations

· Executive Committee Nomination Form

If you are unable to attend, then please ensure that you complete a proxy and send it in. You can nominate any member as your proxy or, if you prefer, the Chairperson.

The AGM runs for 30-40 minutes.

If you have any questions or concerns in advance of the meeting, please contact President Anssi Paatero at +61 438 535 914 or at the secretariat


Anssi Paatero

President and Chairperson for AGM

Finland Australia Chamber of Commerce, Inc