This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other Inclusive Green Finance 2021 events.


Thursday 23

08: 00 - 09:00 Opening

"Banobras – GIZ MOU Signing ceremony"

Philipp Schukat

Daniela Cuellar

Luis Ampudia

09:05 - 10:30 Panel

Cost Benefit Analysis for implementing the 2030 Agenda in Mexico

Alfredo González

Jason Eis

Antonio Lloret

Karina Caballero

10:35 - 11:15 Masterclass

Transparency Mechanisms for NDC Compliance: "U" Budget Program & MRV System

Jorge Plaza

11:15 - 11:30 Video

"Business Roundtable": A video launch in support of Socio-Environmental Ventures

11:35 - 12:30 GADER –ALC Regional Meeting

Finance and Sustainable Recovery

David Alfaro

Willy Alarcon 

Eva Warner

12:35 - 13:10 GTFIN Projects

SVC (PechaKucha per project)

Miguel Fernandez

Mario Bernal

Gabriela Niño

Jessica Quezada

Lorena Saavedra

Bianca Corona

Yuriana González

13:15 - 14:10 Masterclass

Issuance of Green Bonds for Sustainable Recovery

Edgar Ramírez Medina

Roberto Guirette Saldaña

14:25 - 15:55 Masterclass

RSU Methodology - Circular Economy

Anne-Laure Mascle-Allemand

16:10 - 17:25 Masterclass

Sustainable Building Finance

Patricia Mijares

Joel Sánchez

Andrés Rojo

Friday 24

08:05 - 09:35 Dialogue Session

Closing the gap in project financing

Alexandra Linden

Laura Jungman

Carla Juárez

Juana Martinez

Giulia Macagno 

09:35 - 11:00 Masterclass

Banobras-GIZ-BID: methodology and alignment of 2030 Agenda goals

Cristina Contreras

Mario Bernal

Bibiana Gómez

Luis Ampudia

11:00 - 12:55 Rally Closing Workshop – CNBV

This workshop is aimed at attendees who participated in the Training Rally: Building a Sustainable Financial System in Mexico, organized by the CNBV (The National Banking and Securities Commission) in collaboration with GIZ Mexico and BIOFIN. If you are interested in participating, please send an email to

13:00 - 13:55 Masterclass

Inclusive green finance of BBVA

Irma Acosta

Adriana Salazar

Alejandro Olvera

Julien Saint Requier

14:00 - 14:30 Masterclass

Sustainable Finances of CIBanco

Jorge Rey Gehrke

Mariana Icedo Smith

14:35 - 15:25 Pandenomics

Identifying opportunities for sustainable recovery

Diego Castañeda Garza

15:30 - 17:00 Masterly Dialogue

Sustainable Finance Committee (SFC)

Vanessa Veinitimilla

Humberto Ahuactzin

Patricia Moles

Gabriela Niño

Arturo Sosa

17:05 - 17:35 Closing Ceremony

Save The Date

The Inclusive Green Finance 2021 is an online forum that will bring together leaders, financing projects designers, representatives of public and private organizations from Mexico and LATAM region, in order to create a space for multi-stakeholder dialogue that fosters a critical analysis of sustainable finance and a practical application of existing tools and methodologies.


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