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Delivering exceptional experiences that generate buzz

There is no denying it – in an interconnected world enabled by the wondrous innovations of technology, what people think of your organisation matters.

Take reviews on social media and career sites for example. Similar to reviews left on websites by customers, a good or bad review left by candidates and employees on their experience with your company can easily make or break your company's reputation in today's connected world. Whether it is at the entry level (interviews), within the company, or post-exit, the various touch-points your talent might have now plays an important role in the company's branding.

This is why Human Resources is proud to debut the inaugural Talent Experience Forum, a new one-day conference that focuses on strategic candidate and employee experience management in an increasingly complex and digital world.


Oliver Lompart

Marketing Manager at EventBank

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2/F Connaught Harbourfront House, 36 Connaught Road West, Sheung Wan
2/F Connaught Harbourfront House, 36 Connaught Road West, Sheung Wan
Sheung Wan, Hong Kong SAR (China)

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