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Opening Remarks by Human Resources
Oliver Lompart
  • Oliver Lompart (Marketing Manager at EventBank)

    Oliver Lompart

    Marketing Manager at EventBank
Morning Ice-Breaker: The Human Spectogram

Rise and shine folks! Wake your tired legs up with our ice-breaking activity, where you will be asked a few brief questions which will require you to move to different areas of the room to indicate your answers.

This is a great opportunity to identify your personal learning objectives, and to identify fellow attendees in the room who share common objectives as you.

Coffee and networking break
Plenary panel debate: Should talent acquisition be automated?
Oliver Lompart

All technological solutions come at a cost, but not everything that can be automated should be. Talent acquisition is one of the HR processes that can be automated but should not be. Do you agree?

Listen to the panellists argue for and against a highly engaging topic in this friendly debate.

  • Oliver Lompart (Marketing Manager at EventBank)

    Oliver Lompart

    Marketing Manager at EventBank
Break into streams